Stay on the Bus

Stay on the Bus Positive Behaviour Programme

There are times when students need reminders to stay on the (learning) bus.

This system was developed by our teachers who are trained in The Incredible Years Programme and UBRS (Understanding Behaviour Responding Safely) as well as informed by PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning), a Ministry of Education positive behaviour initiative for schools.

It works like this…

Staff refer to the teaching pyramid daily and use the strategies from bottom to top.

All students have a visible green bus card in their named envelope...

Green Bus - You are on the bus. This is where you want to be. You are using your Ngakuru School values. This type of behaviour is always acknowledged rewarded (sometimes with clicks on your card) and celebrated by all. Teachers use positive, labelled praise about the process.


Amber Bus - This is the first warning for inappropriate behaviour. If this behaviour continues, then a Red Bus colour card is issued.

Red Bus - The consequence for this change is sitting in the “Thinking Spot” for 10 min and completing a “Restorative Sheet” with the teacher. If this behaviour continues, then a Black Bus is issued.

Black Bus - “Thinking Spot” in another class for 30 min and parents are notified about the behaviour as soon as possible. Record in Student Management System - Etap.

*Students have a chance to change their behaviour by getting on the Green  Bus everyday as mistakes are proof that you are learning and every day is a new day!

Stay on the Bus Programme will be monitored daily by all staff and this supersedes any other system.

As you can see, this approach is restorative instead of punitive and for the parents to be notified, the staff member and student has gone right through the process.

The Teaching Pyramid

Stay on the Bus