Ngakuru School Values

Ngakuru School Incentive System

A shared, consistent knowledge and understanding of our school values and learning dispositions and high expectations, are linked to our school incentive system. 

Each school year, there are four incentive cards for the children to work through. Each has a different native bird, known to frequent the school and local area. Each card has space for 24 acknowledgements of positive behaviour. When the student is seen to be demonstrating our school values or learning dispositions, the staff member will sign a  on their card. Cards will be kept on a wall display that is visible to the students and easily accessible by them. 

When a child completes their card, they will be acknowledged at assembly, in the school newsletter, and will take their card home to share their success with their family. They will also get to choose a reward off the list in their class which has been co-constructed with their peers and teacher. The child will then move on to their second card, and so on.

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4

         Ngākuru School Values