Reporting to Parents

Assessment Capable Learners

Benefits of Formative Assessment Reporting for learning are:

Ngākuru Independent Progress Plan

During our 3-Way Goal Setting Interviews, we use The Ngākuru Individual Progress Plan (NIPP) shared on Google Docs as a reporting to parents tool. It is shared before the interview and completed during the discussion about goal setting and progress.


All classes have been set up on SeeSaw - our Online Portfolio Platform. Each student has a learning journal that is used to collect photo, video and other evidence for learning. Teachers can also collect reflections about student's progress.

Other Assessments

A range of (needs-based) formal assessment tools are used and The Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) is used to moderate Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJ’s) throughout the year using the Learning Progressions Framework (LPF).

Student Reporting to Parents Schedule.

Term 1: 3-Way Goal Setting Interviews using Ngākuru Independent Progress Plan (NIPP).

Term 2: NIPP updates and PaCT Reports with Student Reflections

Term 3: Informal progress chats, as required

Term 4: Student-led Conferences using Ngākuru Independent Progress Plan (NIPP) and evidence from SeeSaw Platform.

There are also numerous opportunities for Teacher/Parent informal discussions/catch-ups as required throughout the year.

"The school’s assessment schedule has clear expectations for the collection of data, using a range of appropriate assessment tools. There is a collaborative approach to making overall teacher judgements (OTJs) about children’s achievement in relation to National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics. Teachers work collegially to establish a shared understanding of the National Standards, use progressions and develop matrix indicators. Teachers share evidence of achievement in National Standards and this forms the basis for all professional discussions and informs collective OTJs."Ngakuru School Ero Report 2017