Parent Information


2024 School Dates

Term 1: Wed 31 Jan – Fri 12 April

Term 2: Mon 29 Apr - Fri 5 July

Term 3: Mon 22 July - Fri 27 Sept

Term 4: Mon 14 Oct - Tues 17 Dec (to be confirmed)

The School Day

School starts at 8:50 and ends at 2:50 pm.

8:35 - Bus arrives

8:50 - Start of the Day

9:45 - Crunch and Sip

10:30 - Play

10:45 - Eat Morning Tea

11:00 - Learning

12:30 - Play

1 pm - Eat Lunch

1:15 - Learning

2:50 - End of Day

Litterless Lunches

Students are encouraged to use containers and not bring wrappers to school. All rubbish is taken home, except for food waste which is collected for one of our staff member's pigs, Tilly.

School Bus

We have a school bus service by Ritchies, that runs twice daily, to and from school.

​Most of our students travel to and from school on the school bus each day.

Please enquire at the school office to view the bus run route and timings.

​All students using the school bus are also required to sign the Bus Code of Conduct. 

KickStart Breakfast

Anchor milk and Sanitarium Weet-Bix have been kindly donated by KickStart Breakfast.

Students are able to eat breakfast from 8:30am to 8:50am.

Our Room 4 students and Mrs Crockett oversee this.

Skool Loop App

Download our new Skool Loop App to keep up to date with newsletters, events, messages, attendance etc.

Our school has close ties with Ngāpūmanawa e Waru (NPeW) Education Trust who help us wit Future Focused Learning and device procurement.

Link to website

We are a SunSmart Accredited School

SunSmart Schools Cancer Society

Healthy Active Schools Learning Programme

We are lucky to be part of the Healthy Active Learning Programme funded by Sport BOP. Cody Wikingi, our advisor spend time in our school during the year, supporting us as teachers and our students in developing healthy, active skills.

Ngakuru School belongs to the Rotorua Central Community of Learning/Kahui Ako

Info here

Our school is a member of the Rotorua Central Community of Learning. This is a cluster of 9 Rotorua schools working together to improve outcomes for our students.  To identify student needs across our COL we will be sharing numerical data about our students to identify collective needs. 

Thank You!

The following charitable organisations have contributed money and/or time to improving our school facilities and resources: